This discussion was produced in collaboration with SAGE KE. Jacob Raber led this live discussion on 7 May 2004. Readers are invited to submit additional comments by using our Comments form at the bottom of the page. Transcript unavailable. Background Text
In the July 2 Science Translational Medicine, an international group of scientists reported how TREM2 missense mutations linked to neurodegenerative diseases impair the protein's function. The mutations prevent TREM2 from reaching the cellular surfac
Alois Alzheimer made a major breakthrough when he discovered senile plaques in the brains of dementia patients, and his work ultimately led to the discovery of amyloid-β and to the amyloid cascade hypothesis. But that cascade is only part of a much bigger
See questions answered by Suzanne Hendrix As researchers push into the frontier of early-stage and preventative Alzheimer's disease clinical trials, they will have to measure whether a drug works in people who do not have dementia yet. Traditional ou
On 15 June 2009, we hosted a Webinar discussion with slide presentations by Ian McKeith at Newcastle University, UK, James Leverenz at University of Washington, Seattle, James Galvin, Washington University, St. Louis, Brit Mollenhauer of Paracelsus-Elena
One hundred years ago, in January of 1907, Alois Alzheimer published his landmark paper about Auguste D. This is a perfect time to sit back and contemplate the field’s past accomplishments and future challenges. The Alzforum editors have compiled some mat
On Monday, 27 October 2008, a live Webinar was held by Alzheimer’s research leaders on a national action plan to accelerate discoveries of treatments to prevent dementia. The plan will be presented to the 111th U.S. Congress in March 2009. Presentations w
Have a topic idea for a webinar? We would love to hear it. Send an email to webinars [at] alzforum [dot] org.